I went on about my day, without seeing that email that my quote had "bounced back" with a message that "The Internet Community" rejected it because something within my message matched a "spam profile".
Fast forward 27 hours to when our customer called asking where the quote was at. He was understsndably concerned because he needed it to complete a project and put closure on his week.
I tried a bunch of tricks, including sending a jpg screen shot of the message, sending from a different address, changing the subject, etc, etc. I even posted it to this blog and tried to give him the blog address. I panicked. I am was on the phone with the customer three times leting him know that I was trying.
I will be scrubbing the egg from my face for a couple more days. It is egg that immediately ran there when he suggested to me that "Rich, maybe you should take a step backwards in technology and use the fax." Done. Problem solved!
How often do we all need to take a step back and remember that the old ways still have merit and a place in our world.
Our flagship product, foam markers for agricultural sprayers, has been largely replaced by GPS based guidance systems. Yet, we continue to sell a lot of units of our "foam based" systems because commercial spraying businesses remember that sometimes new technology (GPS) fails and you need a fallback technology. We have made that the center of our whole marketing plan for 15 years.
Guess I forgot my own "wisdom".
Thanks A.G.
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