Richway Industries Snapshot

Richway Industries makes a variety of products, ranging from cellular concrete equipment to foam markers for agricultural and turf spraying. Learn more at the Richway website:

Normally published every Friday

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Modern Technology has its Perils!

Here is an email I sent to a customer this morning, after he had to twice ask me for some information.  My lack of attention to him is not a very good example of the level of customer service to which he is entitled.

Good morning Scott-----

I am sorry for not responding. I have been on the road so much that I have lost track of what I need to do, such as answering your questions.

We do take Visa and MasterCard. Lead time depends a bit on item chosen, but will range from two days to two weeks. All molding and machining is done in our factory, so we are able to control maximum lead time.

J______ H_____, copied above, is our Customer Service and Marketing Manager and will be in the office except for the first week of March. I will be gone for the next ten days, so for a more responsive (and more responsible?) person, please put us both on your emails.

Again, I apologize.


Rich Borglum

Sent from my Android tablet

Modern technology is wonderful. But when you move between office computer, home computer, tablet, and smart phone, even though they are all synched (supposedly), it is easy to lose track of where you are at.



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