Richway Industries Snapshot

Richway Industries makes a variety of products, ranging from cellular concrete equipment to foam markers for agricultural and turf spraying. Learn more at the Richway website:

Normally published every Friday

Friday, October 11, 2013


I originally started this post while "recovering" from a colonoscopy earlier earlier that day.   If you have not had one and you are over 55 or 60, you should!  I had my first one six years ago and polyps were discovered and removed. Three years ago, another colonoscopy and more polyps.  Thus, I have just had another, with you guessed it, more polyps, which were removed.

These were flat polyps, "so come back in one year!"  Flat polyps are more difficult to detect and remove, so having a skilled, diligent, and experienced physician is especially important.  Flat polyps are more dangerous that other types, so they are tracked more closely. 

Entrepreneurs , lawyers and doctors all seem to have a level of belief about their invincibility and hence put off such screening tests as colonoscopies.  I have a friend, a lawyer, who does "not want anybody messing around with putting any chemicals into me which will affect my brain" and thus he will not consider a colonoscopy, even though he is over 65.

I once had a doctor tell me that he believed doctors had an "extremely high and unhealthy level of feeling of invincibility   ---  just like lawyers, and entrepreneurs, (including farmers)."

You have to believe strongly in yourself in lots of careers!!!!!!!!

But no matter what your level of self perceived invincibility,    



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