Richway Industries Snapshot

Richway Industries makes a variety of products, ranging from cellular concrete equipment to foam markers for agricultural and turf spraying. Learn more at the Richway website:

Normally published every Friday

Friday, August 9, 2013

Are we fulfilling your expectations???

In my post of last Friday (August 2), I noted that I would often (usually) ask newer employees "Are we fulfilling your expectations here at Richway?"  To me, that was a perfectly normal question, but, apparently it is sort of radical to some.  After all, according to "the radical bunch" isn't the new employee's job to meet our expectations, not our job to meet his expectations.

Everybody starts a new job with a set of expectations, which almost certainly include an expectation that it will be "better" than their previous job.  The better job we do in meeting those expectations, including our demonstration of awareness and concern, the more likely we will have a satisfied and productive staff member for a long term.

BTW    I would usually ask at least a couple of times a few weeks apart and would sometimes get feedback I could act upon.


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