Richway Industries Snapshot

Richway Industries makes a variety of products, ranging from cellular concrete equipment to foam markers for agricultural and turf spraying. Learn more at the Richway website:

Normally published every Friday

Monday, May 6, 2013

Thanks For Asking

I have a friend, Kevin, whom I do not see very often, who had a daughter with some early childhood physical problems, a number of years ago.  I knew it was a concern to Kevin and his wife.  Every time I saw him, maybe twice a year, I would ask about his daughter.  And every time, he would respond by saying "Thanks for asking"  and then giving me an update.  He genuinely appreciated my concern.  Prior to that, I often would not ask people about similar matters for fear of seeming to be too intrusive. 

I have had similar experiences with other people.  Over the years I have come to realize that most people appreciate such concern, if it is genuine.  Such an event or situation is often uppermost in their mind and they seem glad to have someone with whom they can share, even when the news is bad.  But I can think of one person whom I know who regards any question about almost anything as an intrusion.

A sympathy card after a death is similar.  People appreciate that you care and are concerned.

Shirlee, our Office Manager for 16 years, was once described to me as "the person who sends more 'thinking of you' type cards than anyone else in town"  by the Postmaster in our town.  She is still doing it, though many times it is now an email.  It is the thought that counts, as "they" say.

Yes, it is nice to know that someone cares.


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