Richway Industries Snapshot

Richway Industries makes a variety of products, ranging from cellular concrete equipment to foam markers for agricultural and turf spraying. Learn more at the Richway website:

Normally published every Friday

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ethics Etcetera

Special       Double Post Day
Be sure to continue on and read about Anthony the ironworker in the second post

We once employed a salesperson (“Willy”) who was about to graduate from college.  In fact Willy’s application letter, written in March, said he had one course to complete and would graduate in May.   

Soon after hiring Willy, we learned he would not graduate in May after all and then later learned he actually had several courses to complete.  It was more than two years later before the graduation occurred. There were other disturbing ethics and truthfulness issues during the four year period that Willy was with us.

On one notable occasion, Willy found an obviously confidential intra-company document in a printer.  Instead of putting it back and not reading it, Willy read it completely and then told others about it, inviting them to read it too.  Most apparently chose not to read it.  When confronted, Willy defended the action by saying he was part of the company and therefore deserved to read whatever he chose to read!

Finally, after an apparent “improper conduct” issue occurred (unrelated), I confronted Willy and in the course of conversation brought up the falsified graduation expectation.  The response: “It does not make any difference.  I did get the degree.”  (He also again “justified” the document reading.)
Do you want that kind of person working for you in any capacity, but especially in a position of daily contact with customers?

I did not!

The "Pinocchio Nose" on the stick figure is not an accident!
Read about Pinocchio here.

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